Introducing Christian values

Special Religious Instruction

Korus Connect facilitates out-of-class Christian Special Religious Instruction (SRI), which introduces students to the values, beliefs and stories of the Christian faith.

Korus Connect is the leading provider of Christian Special Religious Instruction (SRI) in Victoria. Our dedicated team of accredited and approved volunteer Instructors provide SRI to students whose parents have consented for them to participate. SRI occurs before school, after school or at lunchtime.

Three students with back packs
About SRI

SRI Instructors serve the students in their local school communities by instructing and modelling the Christian faith through Bible stories, songs, games and other activities. These sessions are run in out-of-class hours under the supervision of staff at the school.

In SRI, students—
Learn about

Christianity, its main beliefs and stories


on their attitudes and actions

Learn about

making good choices

Learn that

they can make a difference in their world

Learn to

value themselves, others, and the natural world through Bible stories and activities

If you would like to enrol your child in Christian SRI, contact your local school for a permission form.

More information
Contact Us

If your school does not currently offer Christian SRI, but you would love for your child to participate, please contact us at

Join Us

If you’re interested in volunteering to become a Christian SRI Instructor in Victoria, please fill out the form here.